lactation consultant

breastfeeding and cows milk protein allergy

GP support 

See your GP for a review if you suspect a problem.  This means that both you and your baby can have a detailed discussion with a medical professional to rule out other causes for your concerns and also start the path to determining the underlying cause.

Paediatric dietician support 

With medical support from your GP if you think there is an allergy or intolerance - then you can be referred to a paediatric dietician for support with breastfeeding and introducing solids.

Exclusion diet

 If you are a BF mother and there is suspected cows milk protein allergy then a complete exclusion of cows milk protein from your diet with the support of your GP and a Dietician will help establish if this is the issue. After several weeks of you not having having any cows milk protein in your diet,  then you can reintroduce cows milk protein and keep a record of your baby’s reactions. This is done with the support and direction of a Dietician & your GP/Paediatrician.


Make sure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need if you and your baby are cutting cows milk protein out of your diet. Particularly vitamin D and Calcium. Speak to your GP and dietician so that you can get the right information for your personal situation.

Vegan cake recipes  

Great for finding cake recipes (and other recipes) that are cows milk protein free, they are often yummy and the difference in taste is minimal.

breastfeeding your premature baby

Skin to skin 

As much skin to skin as possible this is wonderful for bonding, stabilising your baby’s temperature, heart rate and oxygen levels its also great for increasing your oxytocin levels which help you bond with your new baby

Hand expressing & Pumping

If your baby is unable to feed at the breast start hand expressing / pumping as soon as possible in the first 24 hours. The next 7 days are important for establishing your milk supply so regular effective removal of milk is important. This can be done initially by hand expression and then pumping, if your baby is unable to feed at the breast. It is so helpful to have support from someone who is experienced with helping mothers to breastfeed during this time. So if you’re in hospital speak to the infant feeding team. If you’re at home then you can use a breastfeeding support group or a Lactation Consultant.

As much breastmilk as possible

Give as much breastmilk as possible to your baby. Colostrum is made by you specifically for your unique and individual baby! Breastmilk also has so many amazing properties that are not found in formula. Such as being able to promote a mechanism in your baby’s gut which helps protect them against childhood tumours. 

Offer the breast as much as you are able to

This will be specific to you and your baby’s situation. Offer the breast as often and as much as you are able to. This helps to establish breastfeeding and your supply. It also is a wonderful way of bonding with your new baby.

Seek early breastfeeding support 

Get in touch with the infant feeding team in the hospital and from outside the hospital for when you go home. If your local area run breastfeeding groups then these are excellent for support from people who are trained to help and from other breastfeeding mums.

breastfeeding in the early days

As many cuddles as possible

Keeping your baby as close as possible to you (as much as possible) in the early days has so many amazing benefits for both you and your baby. It helps stimulate both of your natural instinctive behaviours to breastfeed which will help your baby with rooting and attaching. Whilst also stimulating oxytocin and prolactin hormones which will help with bonding and milk production. It is also great for putting your feet up and having a cuddle.

Responsive feeding 

Breastfeeding is about so much more than milk. Its about having a relationship together, responding to your baby cues, listening to your body (feeding when you feel full), and about comfort and relaxation for both of you. Every baby and breast is different and how each mother and baby will feed is different. Knowing that breastfeeding is not just about nutrition but also about love, comfort and bonding, helps to reframe that breastfeeding is not just about food but so much more.

Hand expression

Hand expression is wonderful for so many things. It is a great way to understand how your breasts work and get used to how they feel. You can do it before your baby is born (from 36 weeks – check with your midwife that you have no contraindications) or once they’ve arrived. It is a way to help your baby feed if they need encouragement to feed, if there are difficulties with feeding or if your breasts are feeling very full. See the NHS website for more information on expressing and storing milk.

Breastfeeding support

If things become challenging then breastfeeding support can be a wonderful encouragement to keep going. Seeing someone who has experience and knowledge can give you reassurance and support. This comes in many forms from a Lactation Consultant visiting you at home, a breastfeeding telephone helpline, or a breastfeeding group where you can meet other mums in a similar situation to you, grab a cup of coffee and get some support from someone experienced. Please do get in touch with us at Baby Hive if you’d like one to one support at home, we would love to support you and your baby. 

Go with the flow

Every day will be different and as your baby grows, how and when you and your baby want to breastfeed will change. The range of ‘normal’ in breastfeeding is so vast. The frequency and length of a feed are unique to you and your baby as everyone is different and so is each mum and baby’s feeding journey. Follow each others lead and go with the flow. If you have concerns get in touch with someone who is experienced with supporting mums to breastfeed.